At M2M In Motion, we are carefully attuned to the new trends and technologies of today’s age. We want to help clients to navigate a sophisticated market and get the gear they need to compete in a fast-paced business world.

To that end, let’s talk a little bit about some of the most important upgrades happening now. Understanding these changes will put your company in the driver’s seat to continue to compete while other firms are getting the latest and best systems set up. 

3G to 4G LTE

Yesterday’s old 3G system is quickly becoming obsolete. Systems are being modernized or switching over to the LTE style network for 4G communications even as a new standard called 5G is being introduced.

The quickness of 5G being implemented shows how old-fashioned 3G is now. Many devices are still supported by the old 3G model, but experts estimate that by 2022, end-of-life for 3G will be apparent. 

The time when all providers using 3G ditch this technology and shutoff towers in lieu of 4G LTE networks is referred to as the 3G sunset. When this occurs, all of the devices running on 3G (ex: cellphones) will cease to work, which is why now is the time to plan your migration to 4G LTE networks. 

Hardware users will likely scramble to get their ducks in a row, caught unawares by this sudden change, much like Windows XP users a few years back had to comb through their networks for XP-dependent stations. 

Why LTE?

New LTE networks can be built faster than 3G systems. They also offer more capacity for data broadband delivery.

One way to think of this is to think about how your smartphone or device has changed in the last decade or so. Looking back, we used relatively little bits of data – we did mostly voice with some limited Internet capacity.

Our newer smartphones are incredibly powerful computers that sit in our pockets. As such, they need dedicated communications paradigms that can match their insatiable demand for data. That’s part of what 4G LTE, and then 5G, were set up to address. 

Modern Services

Companies that need to upgrade and optimize their hardware and software networks can get adequate support from M2M In Motion. 

There’s something in the tech world called a “desired state” – that’s when your systems are all optimized to your needs. Most companies are far away from that goal right now. They need help!

We offer 24/7 support with analytics services and the ability to choose menu options that support your enterprise. With video live streaming and real-time alerts and more, M2M In Motion is helping clients to embrace the future instead of being scared of these new technologies. Reach out to us to get connected with an IT partner that can guide your business toward long-term success. 

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